





Grand Hyatt Taipei is conveniently located in the city's most vibrant commercial centre, the Xinyi district.  Adjacent to Taipei 101 mall and financial tower, this Taipei 5 star hotel is also closely linked to the Taipei World Trade Centre and Taipei International Convention Centre.
Taipei's unique temperature-controlled outdoor swimming pool, with its lush landscape, stylish yet comfortable sun beds, lounge areas and pool bar, provides the perfect retreat from a busy day in the city.
台北君悅酒店有氧舞蹈室 為不同運動習慣與需求量身設計多樣精采課程,例如瑜珈、皮拉提斯、太極、有氧等各式課程。
Tailored for individual needs, the exercise studio at Club Oasis offers a wide range of creative and inspiring classes, such as Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, aerobics and many more.
Fitness Center specially designed for both staying fit and invigorating moments, the sophisticated fitness centre comes complete with the latest body-shaping equipment in two gymnasiums.
Grand Hyatt Taipei hotel is the city’s most prestigious venue for meetings, conventions, conferences, weddings, banquets, theme parties and special events.
Each meeting or event is considered a priority and Grand Hyatt Taipei works with Staging Connections to provide a full event service that includes the latest audiovisual and communications capabilities
To meet guests’ business and entertainment needs, a state-of-the-art media hub provides various AV connections to a 47-inch full-HD television.  Within our rooms, conveniently placed safes have been designed to accommodate notebook PCs and other business communication devices.
Irodori reflects the genius of Japanese cuisine with an exquisite buffet replete with rare delicacies.
Experience the blissful delights of
Experience authentic Cantonese delicacies and dim sum only at Pearl Liang.
Café offers contemporary buffet or a la carte dining with a wide variety of Western and Asian cold appetizers, grills and Asian hot dishes.
ZIGA ZAGA重現經典義式料理,並加入美式及墨西哥元素,以頂級食材與料理技法,從午間至宵夜時段推出近百道創意佳餚。
ZIGA ZAGA presents a fun and vibrant dining atmosphere, featuring Italian, American and Mexican cuisine plus daily live band entertainment.
Cheers-A place where one may enjoy a light snack or the perfect venue for a relaxed evening accompanied by quality drinks.
Grand Hyatt Taipei is conveniently located in the city's most vibrant commercial centre, the Xinyi district.  Adjacent to Taipei 101 mall and financial tower, this Taipei 5 star hotel is also closely linked to the Taipei World Trade Centre and Taipei International Convention Centre.
Taipei's unique temperature-controlled outdoor swimming pool, with its lush landscape, stylish yet comfortable sun beds, lounge areas and pool bar, provides the perfect retreat from a busy day in the city.
台北君悅酒店有氧舞蹈室 為不同運動習慣與需求量身設計多樣精采課程,例如瑜珈、皮拉提斯、太極、有氧等各式課程。
Tailored for individual needs, the exercise studio at Club Oasis offers a wide range of creative and inspiring classes, such as Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, aerobics and many more.
Fitness Center specially designed for both staying fit and invigorating moments, the sophisticated fitness centre comes complete with the latest body-shaping equipment in two gymnasiums.
Grand Hyatt Taipei hotel is the city’s most prestigious venue for meetings, conventions, conferences, weddings, banquets, theme parties and special events.
Each meeting or event is considered a priority and Grand Hyatt Taipei works with Staging Connections to provide a full event service that includes the latest audiovisual and communications capabilities
To meet guests’ business and entertainment needs, a state-of-the-art media hub provides various AV connections to a 47-inch full-HD television.  Within our rooms, conveniently placed safes have been designed to accommodate notebook PCs and other business communication devices.
Irodori reflects the genius of Japanese cuisine with an exquisite buffet replete with rare delicacies.
Experience the blissful delights of
Experience authentic Cantonese delicacies and dim sum only at Pearl Liang.
Café offers contemporary buffet or a la carte dining with a wide variety of Western and Asian cold appetizers, grills and Asian hot dishes.
ZIGA ZAGA重現經典義式料理,並加入美式及墨西哥元素,以頂級食材與料理技法,從午間至宵夜時段推出近百道創意佳餚。
ZIGA ZAGA presents a fun and vibrant dining atmosphere, featuring Italian, American and Mexican cuisine plus daily live band entertainment.
Cheers-A place where one may enjoy a light snack or the perfect venue for a relaxed evening accompanied by quality drinks.


台北君悅酒店是凱悅國際集團在台灣的第一家旅館,於1990年初開始營業;同年9月21日正式對外開幕。座落於台北市新興的商業及娛樂聚點,台北君悅酒店與鄰近的世貿展覽大樓、國際貿易大樓及國際會議中心整合形成一個多功能的複合建築群,此外,毗鄰台北101金融大樓。而四通八達的捷運站亦在步行的距離內,讓您便捷地暢行市區。台北君悅距離台北世界貿易中心南港展覽館僅20分鐘車程,而與桃園國際機場亦僅45分鐘車程。台北君悅由沈祖海建築師事務所負責設計外觀及空間結構,美國知名國際室內設計公司赫斯‧貝德納聯合設計顧問公司(Hirsch Bedner & Associates) 負責內部設計。設計重點在於融合中國文化並呈現豪華氣派的國際風格。全部工程由太平洋建設公司承建,希望能為國人及所有住宿的旅客提供最親切、最舒適的高雅環境。 飯店建地面積達118,900平方公尺,地面樓高25層,地下3層;大廳採君悅一貫特有的挑高中庭設計,典雅的花藝佈置與寬敞明亮的風格,令人耳目一新。客房設計高雅舒適,各式商務科技設備新穎完善,寬敞的浴室設有浴池、淋浴間及精緻備品,讓每位住房的旅客都能有賓至如歸的感受。 「嘉賓軒」不僅提供一系列體貼入微的個人化服務,更有新穎完善的多項設備,是到台北商務洽公或休閒度假的絕佳選擇。入住嘉賓軒樓層的賓客可享受嘉賓軒貴賓專屬禮遇,包含免費寬頻上網、免費使用嘉賓軒交誼廳、免費自助早餐、晚間雞尾酒、專屬會議室及全日供應各式飲品及精緻小點等,而專屬服務中心亦全日提供貴賓各種協助及諮詢服務。 台北君悅獨具風貌的餐廳與酒吧,包括供應精緻港式佳饌的漂亮、以頂級歐陸料理聞名的寶艾西餐廳、輕鬆氛圍的Cheers、全日供應自助餐的凱菲屋、具現代風格的彩日本料理、位於大廳中庭右側的迎賓廊。不論是正式的商業餐敘,或是溫馨的親友聚會,台北君悅提供您充滿時尚品味、用餐雅趣的豐富饗宴。

地址: 臺北市信義區松壽路2號
電話或手機: 02-27201234
傳真: 02-27201111
官方網站: 點選開啟新視窗 
總房間數: 866間
定價 : NT$16,000~NT$120,000